Why Is Weed Detoxification Shampoo Essential Prior To The Drug Test?

Why Is Weed Detoxification Shampoo Essential Prior To The Drug Test?

In the past 30 days in the US, around 30 million people consumed some kind of illicit drug. That’s around 10% of the whole population. That’s a huge number. So many people find joy and relaxation in using recreational marijuana. This is the most commonly used drug of them all. See some more facts about drug use in America here.

Seeing these numbers can give you a clear idea about how many people go to work under influence or at least smoked a little weed the night before going to work. Of course, the effects of the THC are not so long lasting and it doesn’t mean that you’re going to work high, but it seems like not everyone thinks this way.

Your employer is probably one of these people. It seems like employers hate the idea of their employees smoke before and after work. This makes no sense since you have your own private life, but your boss will demand a punishment if they find out you’ve been smoking.

That’s why regular drug tests are conducted at the workplace. The consequences of getting a positive result on the examination will most probably mean getting fired. If you have a good job and a respectable income from it, you have to do something about this and get negative results.

When it comes to the testing, you need to know that there are more kinds of it – the saliva, urine, and the follicle test. All have their own pros and cons, but when it comes to cheating and getting precise results – the follicle option is without a doubt, the best one.

What you need to know about the follicle option is that it is nearly impossible to fake and the detection period of drug use is up to 90 days. That’s amazing, you have to admit! It means that smoking almost 3 months ago can be shown with this examination method. Then, your boss will surely know that you’ve been smoking and they most likely won’t be very happy about it even if it’s 3 months ago.

This method of examining is done by taking a sample of your hair and getting it in the lab where special machines take an insight look of it. Inside the layers, they can find narcotic particles that you took so long ago. Now the good part here, if we can call it good, is that these particles evaporate from the hair after 3 months. How does this happen, and why?

Your hair grows at a rate of 1.5 inches in 3 months, so everything above this line is toxin or drug-free. However, everything below is still rich with it. That’s why the lab practitioners always tend to get a sample that’s closer to the shaft. As the hair grows, the drugs evaporate and chances to find anything are smaller.

In order to avoid any chance to be caught, you need to take some measurements. The only proven way to work and save you from getting a positive result is called Aloe Rid detox shampoo. This THC detox shampoo can be used alone or in a combination with other solutions that are also proven to help. One of the most popular and sure ways is the Macujo method which is based on the use of this product.

This shampoo is magical compared to the competition. It’s 10 times more expensive and is still over 10 times more wanted than any other. The reason for this is that it’s the only known solution that’s effective to get rid of the narcotic substances built up in the hair.

It uses more chemicals among which is the famous propylene glycol. This organic compound is known for its ability to strip down the layers of the hair and clean every toxin that’s inside. The only problem is, hair is not so easy to beat and you need to do a lot of washing before you get the desired effect.

When we say a lot of washing – we really mean a lot. You’ll read in the instruction manual too that you have to wash up to 4 times a day with it for best results. You also have to do it constantly in a period of 10 days straight. After this, you can be sure that the substances you had are gone, and you can continue taking care of your hair like you never smoked weed before.

The best part of this shampoo is that you can use it as your everyday solution for treating your hair. Unlike the competition, this is the only one that won’t damage it if you use it daily. The others can be used for a few days, but after that, you’ll have to regenerate your before you can do it again.

Heavy weed users, those smoking every day for a long period of time will have a much higher chance to come out positive on the test. That’s why most of them decide to practice the Macujo method we mentioned.

This is a method that combines some non-shampoo substances and formulas with the Aloe Rid. It is also supposed to be done over a period of at least 10 days and is proven to give you a great outcome. The ingredients needed are white vinegar, pink Clean and Clear skincare formula, and Tide laundry detergent.

First, you massage the scalp with the vinegar and the Clean and Clear, after which the hair must rest for 30 minutes. Then the shampoo is supposed to wash everything off thoroughly and do another rinsing with the Tide detergent. All this must be done for at least 10 days, and it’s really important to do it once more prior to the testing. Find more about the method here: https://medium.com/@roobbthorsten/how-to-pass-a-hair-follicle-test-for-coke-6aed8f3b1f44

People say that this is the only way to beat the follicle test. We also tried it a couple of times and it is definitely the best chance you’ve got. If you do everything as instructed, you’ll be good to go.