An Introduction To Innovation
Innovation is a natural tendency of the human mind to thrive on variety, regardless of the activity involved. All the man-made changes that the world has witnessed are a result of this tendency to look for something different. The urge to try something else is a prominent human characteristic. When properly directed, this urge can have results that enhance the quality of an activity. A positive outcome of this urge to be different is called innovation. There is no end to the new ideas in the world, but when these ideas create value, it becomes innovation. Often enough, it is the application of existing knowledge in a different manner that stands out as an innovative idea. Usually, one idea gives birth to the next and new technologies, processes and methods come into being. Being innovative involves a lot of risks. Only a person who is willing to go out on limb is capable of being innovative. Good ideas are of no use unless they are implemented, and implementation in a new way always attracts criticism. It is only by being optimistic in the face of odds that an individual stands a chance of achieving something unique.
At times, innovation is done by taking an existing idea, concept or product and improving upon it. However what is more remarkable is to be able to think beyond what already exists, and coming up with a brand new concept. Mankind has come this far by riding on the benefits of innovative ideas through the ages. It is the problems that people encounter that cause a solution to be sought. Of course there have always been the gifted few who can go beyond the mundane and come up with brilliant visions. Great scientific inventions that we now take for granted are products of the innovative ideas of great minds.